Sleep Facts

Fifteen Facts about Healthy Sleep and Sleep Disorders that may Surprise You.
Stuart J. Menn, M.D., FAASM

Did you know that……??

• Over one-third of patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea are not obese.

• REM sleep is not the deepest level of sleep and dreaming can occur outside of REM.

• Growing pains in kids are often indications of Restless Leg Syndrome.

• Most chronic insomnia is not simply related to stress or depression.

• Melatonin can be a valuable aid in sleeping only if taken at the correct dose and at the right time.

• There now are drugs specifically designed for early morning awakenings.

• Periodic Limb Movements in Sleep (PLMS) have been linked to hypertension.

• Women with obstructive sleep apnea present differently than men. There may be no history of loud snoring or daytime sleepiness.

• CPAP therapy may not be the best choice in certain types of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

• The recommended therapy for chronic insomnia(>3 months) according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine is not FDA-approved hypnotics like Zolpidem (Ambien) or Eszopiclone (Lunesta).

• Older teenagers require more hours of sleep than their younger brothers and sisters.

• Sleep-related breathing and limb movement problems in children may present as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD).

• Nocturnal Eating Disorders, often triggered by sedative use, can lead to serious consequences including self-inflicted trauma.

• Iron deficiency can cause or exacerbate Restless Leg Syndrome.

• Bad Nightmares are very different from Night (Sleep) Terrors.

© Pacific Sleep Medicine 2025.